Review: Hellscreen, The Vault Festival

Review: Hellscreen, The Vault Festival

“Who could you be if you lived without limitation?” This is the premise of Hellscreen, a play by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm adapted from a Japanese horror story by Ryunosuke Akutagawa published in 1918. Set in contemporary London, the story follows artist Frank Holt (East...
The Old Broad Way: Liliane Montevecchi, Crazy Coqs

The Old Broad Way: Liliane Montevecchi, Crazy Coqs

It’s not often you get to spend the night with someone who danced with Fred Astaire, drank with Dean Martin and did who-knows-what with Elvis. It’s been eleven years since Liliane Montevecchi played London. Then she enthralled Pizza on the Park, now it’s Crazy Coqs...
Jonny Woo: Heavensent And Hellbent

Jonny Woo: Heavensent And Hellbent

Being called an East End drag legend may sound like an epitaph but Jonny Woo is currently making like Conchita Wurst and rising like a phoenix. He hosted regular variety circus show Boom & Bang at The Roundhouse, he has a new band, helped open a new cabaret venue...
Hart to Hart: The Desperate Divas, St James’s Studio

Hart to Hart: The Desperate Divas, St James’s Studio

If I’ve been to one compilation evening where a range of theatrical types repackage show tunes on the theme of “love, sex and relationships”, I’ve been to a hundred but the credentials of the two killer-diller headliners now trading as The Desperate Divas...