Review: Scottee’s Camp

Review: Scottee’s Camp

Commissioned by The Roundhouse, Scottee: Camp fights the cause of light entertainment in the Studio Theatre. With a burst of sparkle, Scottee takes to the stage in a glorious entrance, singing a pop-tastic rendition of Copacabana, while the back-up dancers of...
Preview: Chabaret!

Preview: Chabaret!

There are charity events, and there are cabaret superstar-studded charity events. Chabaret! is one of the latter. Jim Patterson is planning to raise £12,000 for two children’s charities (Unicef and Scene and Heard) by running twelve marathons in 2012. This...
Square Peg’s Rime

Square Peg’s Rime

Roundhouse and Jackson’s Lane associate company Square Peg premieres its first full-length show as part of the 2012 CircusFest. Rime is a newly conceived circus show performed by acrobats, aerialists, dancers and actors, based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s...
Myra Dubois Helps…Kiki Kaboom

Myra Dubois Helps…Kiki Kaboom

This week, I help Kiki Kaboom, the international burlesque performer, singer, host and cabaret star. Part sex kitten, part clown and all woman, she’ll be performing at the upcoming World Burlesque Games (7-13 May). Dear Myra, Everybody I know in burlesque...
Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire

Stay away from cabaret if you don’t want to draw the heat. From burlesquers and jugglers to magicians and fire-breathers, London’s variety scene is filled with artists packing enough firepower to burn down the house. This Is Cabaret’s photo editor...
Reinventing The Cabaret Wheel

Reinventing The Cabaret Wheel

Cabaret as a scene is growing every which way and This Is Cabaret is keeping a keen eye on the producers who are putting on new shows or even new types of shows. Howard Wilmot‘s Burlexe has taken burlesque in a new direction by bringing together award-winning...
Preview: Cabaret: Past, Present, Future

Preview: Cabaret: Past, Present, Future

As part of the ToMax Talks series of lectures, three of the best cabaret performers of recent years will be speaking tomorrow night about the fast-growing artform. Like TED, the talks have so far ranged far and wide. Upcoming guests include the entrepreneur behind...
Interview: Spymonkey’s Petra Massey

Interview: Spymonkey’s Petra Massey

Spymonkey returns to the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith this week with a brand new show, Oedipussy. The quirky quartet of Petra Massey, Toby Park, Aitor Basauri and Stephan Kreiss specialise in mashing theatre, comedy and cabaret into a single evening and their latest...
Secrets of the Gig Bag

Secrets of the Gig Bag

All the glamour and fabulousness you see on a cabaret stage has to come from somewhere. Where it comes from, generally, is a wheelie-bag. Yes, those very wheelie-bags that you bash your shins against on the tube, when you’re trying to dart cleverly between more...