by Katharine Kavanagh | Aug 8, 2014 | Burlesque, Cabaret, Circus, Reviews
With all the Country-love going round since Dolly Parton’s appearance at Glastonbury earlier this year, Southern glamour-pusses The Wau Wau Sisters go down a treat in this Edinburgh Fringe Spiegeltent. Tragically for them (but luckily for us) they don’t always get...
by Katharine Kavanagh | Aug 1, 2014 | Circus, Editorial, Features
Without mentioning the August F-word (we have a separate article dedicated to Edinburgh, don’t worry) here are this month’s circus offerings… The Wonderground is still going strong on the South Bank, with another gala show from Cirque Du Cabaret on...
by Katharine Kavanagh | Jul 27, 2014 | Circus, Editorial, Features
Ah yes, it’s that time again. The daunting beast of Edinburgh Fringe looms close, but we have some secret ammo to get you through the 400 page plus programme. Circus editor Katharine Kavanagh has done the trawling for you, and come up with a more refined...
by This Is Cabaret | Jul 21, 2014 | Circus, Reviews
This week, graduates from the newly rechristened National Centre of Circus Arts perform their end of Degree show, Hop, in the Speigeltent as part of London Wonderground. Now that circus has become prominent in London, you often hear, “circus is on an upswing”. But...
by Ed Gosling | Jul 7, 2014 | Circus, Reviews, Variety
Circus of Men is the latest output from the Black Fire Agency, a company that has always enjoyed putting sex at the forefront of the show. A quick look through their Fuel Girls photos reveals countless shots of ladies in various degrees of “nearly...
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