Review: EastEnd Cabaret’s Sexual Tension

Review: EastEnd Cabaret’s Sexual Tension

I love EastEnd Cabaret with the kind of swooning passion I usually reserve for incredibly good sushi or attractive androgynous people in eyeliner. Fortunately, that seems to be pretty much the kind of appreciation they’re going for, and their new show Sexual Tension...
The Double R Club: V For Victimhood?

The Double R Club: V For Victimhood?

Sabrina Sweepstakes at Double R Club, 2 August 2013 (c) Sin Bozkurt Double R Club, 2 August 2013 (c) Sin Bozkurt Double R Club, 2 August 2013 (c) Sin Bozkurt Double R Club, 2 August 2013 (c) Sin Bozkurt The Double R Club’s aptly-named Summer of Unease mini-tour came...
The Dark, Dark World Of Benjamin Louche

The Dark, Dark World Of Benjamin Louche

Benjamin Louche is truly one of midnight’s children, a crepuscular creature of the dark who comes out as the sun goes down. True, the host-about-town has been seen compering a number of very different nights including regular wrestling extravaganza Lucha...
Review: Darkling

Review: Darkling

Angel-faced, nightingale-voiced, devil-witted cabaret king Dusty Limits’s Darkling is a glorious and fleetingly self-deprecatory celebration of melancholy and mortality. Songs from artists as diverse as Amanda Palmer, Nick Cave, Kurt Weill and Noel Coward are...