CircusFest Review: Pinta/WireDo

CircusFest Review: Pinta/WireDo

Closing CircusFest’s pop-up week at Jackson’s Lane, last weekend saw another Finnish SIRKUS offering with a double bill from Zero Gravity & WHS and Hanna Moisala. WireDo, which starts the evening, is a new work from tightwire walker Moisala that revolves...
CircusFest Review: Sceno by Agit-Cirk

CircusFest Review: Sceno by Agit-Cirk

Sceno is a new work from Agit-Cirk, directed by Sakari Männistö, also known for his work with Gandini Juggling. It premieres in the UK at Jackson’s Lane theatre as part of Circus Fest 2016, and the show is a blend of strongman tricks, acrobatics, live music and...
Review: Polymer, Udderbelly

Review: Polymer, Udderbelly

Every summer the third year students of the National Centre for Circus Arts (previously known as Circus Space) showcase their skills in an ensemble show featuring everyone who graduates that year, all condensed into a single hour. Such an endeavour presents a certain...