Halloween: Cabaret Shows in London

Halloween: Cabaret Shows in London

Give up your vows, your prayers and your last shreds of innocence. Halloween is nigh, and London has no shortage of variety shows to spend the holiday according to the true custom of its Celtic roots: in drunken debauchery. Choose your poison from This Is Cabaret’s...
Behind the Glamour of Burlesque Idol

Behind the Glamour of Burlesque Idol

Now in its third edition, Burlesque Idol has attracted participants from New York, Amsterdam and all over the UK. Producer and resident judge Tempest Rose reveals the work that goes on behind the scenes of the famous talent contest. Burlesque Idol is one of my...
Why Are Our Knickers Getting Smaller?

Why Are Our Knickers Getting Smaller?

Frilly knickers no longer enjoy the favour they once did among professional bump-and-grinders. Singer and compère Ivy Paige considers the impact of C-strings and merkins in the aesthetics of modern burlesque.   Do you dare to bare? Once upon a time it was all about...
Fringe Review: Dusty Limits: Post-Mortem

Fringe Review: Dusty Limits: Post-Mortem

I’m not sure I want to know what a dissolute deviant like Dusty Limits does in his spare time, when he’s not hosting Britain’s foremost revues. Judging from Post-Mortem, the latest in a series of solo shows developed with pianist Michael Roulston, at least some of...
Fringe Review: Auntie Myra’s Fun Show

Fringe Review: Auntie Myra’s Fun Show

What are destitute cabaret artists to do when the recession hits and they need to make a quick buck? Regardless of what society may think, Myra DuBois is not afraid to resort to the unthinkable: children’s parties. This being Ms. DuBois, what follows is a string of...