Far be it from us to come over all philanthropic and, well, good, but we are pleased to see another fundraising show on the horizon. Next week, the team responsible for Behind Burlesque and burlesque competition Infinitease, will be raising money for mental health charity MIND at the inaugural outing of new show Uncaged at London’s House of Wolf.
Featuring Infinitease compere, Miss Cherry Bomb, the night will showcase wild and quirky cabaret acts, plus some smokin’ burlesque and no doubt a fair amount of cheek. Best of all, the acts are appearing for free and all profits will go towards MIND.
New “burledance” group The Velvet Coquettes will bring their own mix of glamour to the proceedings with their mix of singing whilst stripping, performing group and solo acts.
Cheesecake comedy act Miss Oopsie Ooh will keep audiences laughing with her clumsy, 1950s inspired routines – although watch out where those stockings go…
Cheek of It School of Burlesque graduate Heidi Von Swan will be gracing the stage, as will Lux Delioux, Tamora D’Amour and Little Madame, plus many more up-and-coming cabaret acts. The whole evening will be hosted by “the little redhead with the big voice”, Miss Cherry Bomb, runner up at the National Vintage Awards 2014 for Best Musical Performer.
Expect to be teased, tickled and thoroughly entertained at Uncaged, and all for a truly great cause. Dig deep, cabaret fans, to support something worthwhile and fun. What a great combo.
Uncaged. House of Wolf, London N1. 16th July, 8pm. Tickets: £7.50 – £15.00, all proceeds to MIND. See www.behindburlesque.co.uk for more details.
Image: Neil Lewis
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