Review: VarietySoup, Leicester Square Theatre

Review: VarietySoup, Leicester Square Theatre

Is 2015 the year that London will turn the clock back on cabaret? Venerable venues like Madame Jojo’s and the Royal Vauxhall Tavern which have cornerstones of alternative nightlife for decades are both facing highly uncertain futures while Wilton’s Music Hall’s latest...
Hallelujah! Bar Wotever Is Here To Stay

Hallelujah! Bar Wotever Is Here To Stay

What exactly is going on at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern? Is it really going to turn into London’s latest wine bar? If so, what will this mean for its regular shows? With the all the smoke and mirrors around what the future holds for the venue, there are...
Revealed: The Secret History Of Karaoke

Revealed: The Secret History Of Karaoke

Over three nights next week, those deviant siblings Bourgeois & Maurice team up with the no-less-perverse Scottee for . Everyone is invited to the Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club – and not just to watch. The audience will be encouraged to request...
Review: Palace Of The Snow Queen

Review: Palace Of The Snow Queen

Snow does terrible things to London. Railways choke up at the first sight of a snowflake, roads become seas of putrid slush and pavements turn into slippery deathtraps. The sudden influx of frozen water also inspires some awful shows. One such is The Palace Of The...