Shh. Tell no-one but it looks like Christmas is nearly here. Those sharp-eyed amongst you may have caught sight of the occasional clues on the High Street. And on TV. And on the internet. And all over fecking Facebook.
Yes, yes, we know that it is clichéd to be cynical at Christmas but we thank all that is holy and holey and wholely wonderful with this world that there are people like Fascinating Aïda around to add some levity to the proceedings.
Please note that the following video is not safe for work – but you probably guessed that. Roll VT.
The only two things you need to know about Fascinating Aïda right now are that (a) they are utterly brilliant and (b) that they are touring their Charm Offensive show all over England from London’s Southbank Centre (1-11 January) to Durham before popping over to Belfast. Tour information and tickets can be found here.
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