Hot off the presses, we have the names of the winners at the Excess All Areas London Cabaret Awards 2014.

WInner of the Best Drag Act last year, Myra DuBois hosted last night's London Cabaret Awards 2014

WInner of the Best Drag Act last year, Myra DuBois hosted last night’s London Cabaret Awards 2014

We were there as many of the capital’s cabaret scene assembled at Stockwell’s Lost Theatre on Tuesday for the unveiling of the winners of the London Cabaret Awards 2014. TIC contributor and the star of our Christmas message Myra Dubois hosted an evening which saw performers rubbing shoulders with producers, press and the public as the names were read out.

So who walked away with a trophy and who just walked away?

WINNERS: London Cabaret Awards 2014

Best Vocal Act: Lady Rizo

Best Musical Variety Act: Adam Kay

Best Drag Act: La Voix

Best Host: Benjamin Louche

Best Burlesque Act: Kitty Bang Bang

Best Speciality Act: The Boy With Tape On His Face

Best Alternative Performer: Duo Bogof

Best Newcomer: Tina T’Urner Tea Lady

Best Production: Black Cat Cabaret

Best Circus Act: Jess Love

Best Venue: Soho Downstairs

Audience Award: Jayde Adams

Unsung Hero: Jo King

Outstanding Achievement: Gay Bingo At The Empire


Even more links:

That’s Mr Rancid Git to you: why the London Cabaret Awards judging system is ripe for change.

The London Cabaret Awards 2014 longlist

The London Cabaret Awards 2014 shortlist

The London Cabaret Awards 2013 winners

The London Cabaret Awards 2012 winners

 Image credits: Myra DuBois at the London Cabaret Awards 2013 – Lisa Thomson exclusively for This Is Cabaret; Myra DuBois at London Zoo last summer – Jose Farinha exclusively for This Is Cabaret.

With thanks to Holli-Mae Johnson.