Here’s something that will bound to put a smile on many a face, not least Michael Gove’s. Two heroes of chap hop have released some new material this week in very different but equally splendid formats.
The new video by pith-helmeted Professor Elemental is as uplifting as a hefty tax rebate delivered by a charming unicorn. Filmed at a Wild West-themed steampunk convention, the song All In Together is a wonderfully positive message of inclusiveness sure to appeal to geeks, freaks and weirdos everywhere. Well, we certainly loved it, put it that way. Brownie points for those who spot the Steampunk Boba Fett, the Steampunk Green Lantern and the Steampunk Giraffe. Yes, giraffe.
The song comes from the Prof’s new double album The Giddy Limit which is available from
Meanwhile, his tweed-loving rival Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer has not exactly been idle. The banjolele-loving chap-hopper has invaded the national airwaves with the first of a new wireless show. Chapstep, Acid Ragtime, VDM, Absinthe House and Shite-ites as well as Chap Hop all feature is this audio blast from Mr.B The Gentleman Selector. Keep an eye on for more of this kind of thing. Bravo all round.
In other news, the Chap Olympiad is back next month.
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