This year’s Burger Queen was a five-week, four-heat, free-falling, too-good-to-be-true, wonderous affair. The contest championing plus-size talent across the capital and beyond was like a box of Quality Street chocs with the cheap caramels taken out: you never knew what you were getting next but you knew it was going to be good.
Alongside the quirky candidates — including an opera star, a self-mutilating magician and a French pornslinger — there were the dependable Big Purple Ones (easy, now) of head judge Amy Lame and her ever-changing cohorts, Scottee’s video reportage as he tried different diets, Jude Bean’s latest update on what she had been eating and a new earworm courtesy of Miss Annabel Sings.
The final itself was a three-hour juggernaut that packed out the Royal Vauxhall Tavern to the rafters. What happened? See our review or gaze upon the pics below.
All pictures (c) Sharon Cooper
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