In a new video, burlesque queen Michelle L’Amour shows that her best side is possibly her backside.

After having won numerous awards, L’Amour’s competitors would be glad to see the back of her. Unfortunately for them, the 2005 winner of Miss Exotic World – the highest internationally-recognised award in burlesque – has just an impressive behind as anything other part of her body. And perhaps more so; as she demonstrates below, the muscle control over her cheeky twins is outstanding.

L’Amour gets extra brownie points from us for using Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony – definitely not amongst the most overused backing tracks in burlesque. Amusingly titled “Butthoven’s 5 Symphony”, this seated routine to a non-traditional tune proves a point made to us earlier this week by Miss Polly Rae: burlesque is becoming more creative and more innovative.

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Image taken from from the Wikimedia Commons.