by Katharine Kavanagh | Jun 30, 2014 | Circus, Editorial, Features, Variety
Desperately fighting the urge to sleep for a week, our mud’n’glitter encrusted Circus Editor emerges from her first Glastonbury experience, bringing you a taste of the fields’ fabulous offerings. Having publicly bemoaned Britain’s lack of a...
by Katharine Kavanagh | Jun 24, 2014 | Circus, Editorial, Features
Circus artists are nothing if not tenacious, and that is especially true of the remarkable Circus Kathmandu. The performers’ incredible journey from child slaves to professionals in their own right brings them to the UK for the first time this week to perform...
by Katharine Kavanagh | Jun 23, 2014 | Cabaret, Circus, Editorial, Features
Glastonbury Festival opens its gates this week and the Theatre & Circus Field have a massive amount on offer. We’re sending our intrepid Circus Editor down to get in on the action and, even though part of the festival fun is stumbling upon surprises, we...
by This Is Cabaret | May 29, 2014 | Burlesque, Editorial, Features
Are you starting to feel the thaw of England’s winter as your skin cracks and melts in the watery sunshine and the shops begin to swell with flip-flops and “Back To School” signs? It seems as though British Summer Time is in full swing and it would...
by Franco Milazzo | Mar 25, 2014 | Editorial, Musical Comedy
We’re used to the Guardian getting things wrong. It’s usually typos (it’s not nicknamed the Grauniad for nothing), accusing burlesque of being little more than posh stripping or lauding cabaret at the Edinburgh Fringe without actually naming any of...
by This Is Cabaret | Dec 25, 2013 | Drag, Editorial, Features, Video
Last Christmas, we gave you our heart. This Christmas, we have something else in mind. Put down that mince pie, switch off the TV for a few minutes and watch this. Yes, now. We’ll keep this short as you probably have plenty to do like, well, you know, stalking...
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